
The School of Mining held a demonstration public class teaching and research activity

To fully leverage the exemplary and leading role of outstanding teachers in classroom instruction, enhance the exchange and learning of experience among teachers, and actively foster a positive teaching atmosphere, the School of Mining organized an observation and discussion event for a demonstration public class on Principles and Applications of Remote Sensing in Conference Room 305 of the Liye Building at noon on June 21st. Zhang Dalin, Executive Vice President of Guizhou University, attended the discussion, and the school's leadership team as well as all faculty members participated in the event. The event was hosted by Chen Xingshuai.

Associate Professor Cai Hong presented the chapter Thermal Radiation of Objects and Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing from the course Principles and Applications of Remote Sensing to all faculty members in the School of Mining, adopting her routine teaching approach. She began by introducing the course content with lively and straightforward language, followed by a concise presentation of the teaching objectives.

During the lecture, Professor Cai leveraged an infrared detector to conduct on-site measurements, collecting thermal infrared sensing data from two bottles of water under different temperature conditions and demonstrating the distinct thermal infrared shape characteristics of these bottles at varying temperatures. This hands-on demonstration helped students comprehend that different terrestrial objects exhibit varying thermal infrared characteristics under different temperatures.

Building upon this foundation, she elaborated on the logical relationship between thermal infrared radiation energy and land cover types, the primary factors influencing the thermal radiation of actual terrestrial objects, and the principles of using thermal infrared remote sensing imagery to differentiate and extract terrestrial features. Finally, she illuminated the application of thermal infrared remote sensing by citing the example of the urban heat island phenomenon in Guiyang City.

The exquisite PPT presentation and superb teaching artistry of Associate Professor Cai Hong provided a deeply engaging and logically coherent teaching demonstration for the teachers and students in attendance. Participants unanimously agreed that the course incorporated valuable ideological and political education elements within the discipline, featured well-designed teaching segments, and naturally introduced knowledge points. In particular, the live demonstration using an instrument to detect the differing thermal infrared signatures of two bottles of water at different temperatures profoundly and comprehensively illuminated for students the fundamental principles of thermal infrared remote sensing in extracting terrestrial features based on temperature characteristics.

By integrating field experiments with practical application cases, Professor Cai delivered a focused and logically structured teaching demonstration that greatly benefited the participating teachers.

Zhang Dalin emphasized that teachers must continuously learn new technologies and knowledge and integrate them into their classrooms to effectively educate students. As educators, they must meticulously prepare their lessons, striving to impart the best knowledge to students within limited timeframes. Moreover, teachers should never forget their initial aspiration of nurturing talents for the Party and the country. Professor Cai Hong set an exemplary standard for undergraduate teaching with her engaging demonstration, showcasing numerous commendable practices that all teachers should emulate. He encouraged all faculty members to follow her lead, continuously innovate in their teaching methods, and strive to elevate the overall standard of undergraduate education.

Release date: 2024-07-17
Address: West Campus of Guizhou University, Huaxi District, Guiyang City, Guizhou Province Phone: 0851-88236659
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